posting lagi nih yeeeeeeee huahaha nggapapa kan ya kan ya? hem sekarang gue mau mosting lagu yang mewakilkan perasaan gue gitchu huehehe mau tau? kalo nggak ya nggak usah di baca, kalo mau ya monggoooooooooooooo
I think of you in everything that I do (iyabangetuh)
To be with you what ever it takes I'll do (tapi belom sampe nekat hehe)
Cause you my love, you all my heart desires (yes you are first love gue lagi hee)
You've lighten up my life forever I'm alive (kalo dia begitu sih)
Since I found you my world seems so brand new (yoi banget tuh serasa punya dunia baru gue)
You've show me the love I never knew (kadang kadang doang sih ye HUAHAHA)
Your presence is what my whole life through (heeeeeeeeeeeeem)
Since I found you my life begin so new (yeps serasa memulai something new)
Now who needs a dream when there is you (hehe emang cuma loooooo doang sih)
For all of my dreams came true (nggak semua juga deh kayaknya)
Since I found you (ya semua itu terjadi sejak gue ketemu looooo)
Your love shines bright (di hati gua, di hati orang mungkin kagak haha)
Through all the corners of my heart (iyatuh sampe sudutsudut di hati gua haha lebay)
Maybe you are my dearest heart (maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
I give you all I have my heart, my soul, my life (iya dong kan sayaaaaang hehe)
My destiny is you (iya apa? semoga aja haha ngarep sih gue)
Forever true... I'm so in love with you (iyaniiiiiih in love banget guenya gatau elunya iya apa kagak)
Since I found you my world seems so brand new (kayak yang tadi gue bilang aja)
You've show me the love I never knew (yoi daaaaaaaaah)
Your presence is what my whole life through (yes ofcourse)
Since I found you my life begin so new (iyasih)
Now who needs a dream when there is you (iya lah orang udah ada lo ngapain lagi)
For all of my dreams came true (nggaaaaaaaaaak semua!)
Since I found you (sejak ketemu lo ya hem)
My heart forever true... (oh my goooooood)
In love with you.. (mungkin emang bisanya ke lo doang heeeeeee)
-Since I Found You by Christian Bautista
huaaaaaaaa mewakilkan sekali ehehehehehe udah ya disuruh tidur gue masa
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BalasHapushuahaha whywhywhy?